Saturday, May 9, 2009

Sleep Apnea, symptoms and treatment

The standard determination factor of any sleep apnea includes the cessation of breathe which lasts for at least 10 seconds, during the nap. These episode occurs along with, either oxygen desaturation in blood (of about 3 percent to 4 percent or even greater) or with neurological stimulation. In many cases it is studied that, sleep apnea may also occur with both the factors; desaturation as well as stimulation. To diagnose the sleep apnea disorder a patient needs to undergo Polysomnogram. Polysomnogram, also referred to as PSG, is a sleep study which is done during the overnight sleep of the patient. The study has helped to determine, that the apnea can happen five or greater times in an hour. This disorder is categorized in three different types, namely "Central Sleep Apnea", "Obstructive Sleep Apnea" and "Mixed or Complex Sleep Apnea". The complex level of Sleep Apnea is actually the combination of central and obstructive sleep disorder. In the level of central sleep apnea supply, the flow of breathing is hindered by deficiency of respiratory efforts. The obstructive sleep apnea level is different form the latter, as it includes presence of some physical block that interrupts the breathing process. Complex sleep apnea disorder is the result of transition of central to obstructive sleep apnea supplies.
Symptoms: • A person suffering from Sleep apnea disorders may face problems such as getting up in the morning with painful or bad throat. Also his throat may be dry and excruciating. • Sleep apnea may also cause a patient to wake up with choking problem or out of breath sensation. • Most patients may also suffer from sleeplessness during day time. • Dew to the interrupted breathing a patient may also experience headache early in the morning. • One of the most severe issues of Sleep apnea disorder is forgetfulness. A person may also become too moody because of sleep malfunctioning sickness. • When affected by Sleep Apnea, a person may loose or have reduced interest in sexual intercourse. • It is also studied that cessations in respiratory system may exert increased stress on the heart. Hence a person affected with sleep apnea may also face high blood pressure problems. • When the sleep apnea disorder is at the obstructive level it may lead to heart related complications such as increased risk of congestive heart breakdown and fatal strokes. It also increases the risk of sudden death. Sleep Apnea Treatment: Treatment for Sleep Apnea Disorder includes various methods ranging from traditional treatments, such as losing weight, avoiding certain harmful intakes to surgical procedure. In meek and balmy level of sleep apnea conservative treatments can prove to be efficient. Let us be familiar with some primary measures which are used during mild stages of this sleep disorder.
• The primary treatment for Sleep Apnea is CPAP. CPAP or Continuous Positive Air Pressure is a technique which is wildly adopted by doctors to treat sleep apnea patients. This method opens the breathing passage by providing pressurized air into the throat of the patient during his sleep. • CPAP appliance only helps in inhaling however a BiPAP technique helps in both exhaling and inhaling of air during sleep. • Weight lose is one of the primary measures to reduce and overcome sleep apnea. • Avoiding alcohol and sleeping pills can drastically help in treating the sickness. • Promoting regular breathing by changing the position while sleeping in another technique which has proved of being efficient. • Studies have revealed that smoking can enhance the swelling in the upper part of the airway. This may lead to worse scenario of sleeping disorder and hence avoiding smoke is highly recommended. • A person may at times need to make use of dental appliances that may help in keeping the airway open. • If Sleep Apnea is quite critical, a surgical procedure may be required. There different distinct surgeries available to treat a sleep apnea patient. Somnoplasty, Nasal Operation, Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty also abbreviated as UPPP and Mandibular surgery are some of the primary surgical procedures used to treat a Sleep Apnea patient. Sleep Apnea can prove to be a fatal disorder, hence it is always recommended to consult your doctor as soon as possible.

About the Author
hi, this is lucas,living in pullman,interested in writting different type of articles,interested visiting new places,i am living with my loving parents,this is one of my favourite article.

1 comment:

Stacey Lang said...

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