Thursday, May 14, 2009

How Anger Affects You Health

Anger is a form of temporary insanity. It is an emotion that is
unbecoming in strong men, for it is a sign of weakness, and the women
who indulge in it frequently can not long keep the respect of others.
Those who become angry lay themselves open to wounds of all kinds, for
they partly lose their mental and physical faculties temporarily. An
angry man is easily vanquished in any contest where ready wit is
necessary. As the saying is, he makes a fool of himself. To be high
strung and quick to lose one's temper may sound fine in romantic
rubbish, but in real life it is folly, for much more can be accomplished
by being calm.

Like hatred, anger produces poisons in the system. An angry mother's
milk has been known to kill the nursing child. A fit of anger is so
serious that the evil effects can be felt for several days, and those
who indulge in daily or even weekly loss of temper can not enjoy the
best of health, for the anger produces enough toxins to poison all the
fluids of the body.

Fortunately, anger is one of the emotions that can be conquered in a
reasonable time, if there is a real desire to do so. It should not take
an adult more than one or two years to get himself under control.

During anger there is a tensing of various muscles, those of the face
and hands for instance. If this tensing is not allowed the anger, will
not last long. If there is a tendency to become angry, relax and the
mind will ease up. A perfectly relaxed individual cannot harbor anger,
for this emotion requires tensing of body and mind. A determination to
control the temper and a whole-hearted apology after each display of
anger will prove very effective in reducing the frequency and force of
the attacks. Mental suggestion is not as powerful as some say, but it is
such a great force for good or evil, depending on its use, that those
who are wise will not neglect it as a means of self-conquest.

People who are easily offended and "stand on their dignity”, have a very
poor footing. Those who find it necessary to inform others that they are
ladies or gentlemen, are very apt to be prejudiced in their own favor.
Gentlefolks do not need to advertise, nor do they do so. Others
recognize their worth intuitively.

Fretting is anger on a small scale. It is a habit that is easily
formed. The fretter and those about him are made uncomfortable. Those
who respect themselves and others do not indulge.

Read more and get all the tips you need to attain normal blood pressure at

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