Thursday, May 14, 2009

Negative Effects of Over Eating Upon Babies

Cholera infantum causes the death of many babies. It never occurs in
babies who are fed moderately on natural, clean food, not to exceed
three or four times a day. The child is cross. The mother thinks that it
is cross because it is hungry and accordingly feeds. The real cause of
the irritability is the overfeeding that has already taken place. The
baby has had so much milk that it is unable to digest all of it. A part
of the milk spoils in the digestive tract. This fermented material is
partly absorbed and irritates the whole system. A part of it remains in
the alimentary tract where it acts as a direct local irritant to the
intestines. When these are irritated, the blood-vessels begin to pour
out their serum to soothe the bowels and the result is diarrhea. The
sick child is fed often. Digestive power is practically absent. The
additional food given ferments and more serum has to be thrown out to
protect the intestinal walls. Soon there is a well established case of
cholera infantum.

If only enough food had been given to satisfy bodily requirements, none
of the milk would have spoiled in the alimentary tract. If all feeding
had been stopped as soon as the child became irritable and pinched
looking about the mouth and nose, and all the water desired had been
given and the child kept warm, there would have been no serious disease.
In these cases, the less food given the quicker the recoveries and the
fewer the fatalities.

Another common disease of childhood is adenoids. To talk of these
maladies as diseases is rather misleading, for they are merely symptoms
of perverted nutrition, but we are compelled to make the best of our
medical language.

Adenoids are due to indigestion. The indigestion is due to overeating.
This is how it comes about: A child eats more than can be digested,
generally bolting the food, which is often of a mushy character. The
excessive amount of food can not be digested, and as the intestines and
the stomach are moist and have a temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit,
fermentation soon takes place. Some of the results of fermentation in
the alimentary tract are acids, gases and bacterial poisons. These
deleterious substances are absorbed into the blood stream and go to all
parts of the body, acting as irritants. We do not know why they cause
adenoids in one child and catarrh in another. It is easy enough to say
that children are predisposed that way, which is no information at all.
It seems that all of us have some weak point, and here disease has a
tendency to localize. What part the sympathetic nervous system plays, we
do not know. Glandular tissue is rather unstable and therefore it
becomes diseased easily and adenoids are therefore quite frequent.

A coated tongue, or an irritated tongue, both due to indigestion, is a
concomitant of adenoids. Such diseases do not merely happen. There are
good reasons for their appearance. They are not reflections on the
child, but they are on the parents who should have the right knowledge
and should take time and pains enough to educate and train the child
into health.

Tuberculosis is one of the results of ruined nutrition. First there is
overeating. This causes indigestion. The irritating products of food
fermenting in the alimentary tract are taken up by the blood. The blood
goes to the lungs where it irritates the delicate mucous membrane. In
self-protection it begins to secrete an excess of mucus and if the
irritation is great enough, pus. The various bacteria are incidental.
The tubercular bacillus is never able to gain a foothold in healthy
lungs, but after degeneration of lung-tissue has taken place the lungs
furnish a splendid home for this bacillus. The tubercular bacillus is a
scavenger and therefore does not thrive in healthy bodies. It is the
result of disease, not the cause.

Tubercular subjects never have healthy digestive organs. Unfortunately,
nearly all of them are persuaded to eat many times more food than they
can digest, and thus they have no opportunity to recover, for the
overfeeding ruins the digestive and assimilative powers beyond
recuperative ability. A large per cent. of the human race perish
miserably from this disease, which results principally from the
ingestion of too much food. The liberal use of such devitalized foods as
sterilized milk, refined sugar and finely bolted wheat flour is
doubtless a great factor in so reducing bodily resistance that the
system falls an easy prey to disease. Too little breathing and poor,
devitalized air are also important factors.

There are many causes of rheumatism, but overeating is the chief and it
is very doubtful if a case of rheumatism can develop without this main
cause. Exposure is often given as the cause, but a healthy man with a
clean body does not become rheumatic.

Rheumatism is due to internal filth. A filthy alimentary tract makes
filthy blood. Some say that the poison in rheumatism is uric acid, and
perhaps it is, but there are no uric acid deposits in the body of a
prudent eater. The elimination in this disease is imperfect. The skin,
the kidneys, the bowels and the lungs do not throw out the debris as
they should. Perhaps only one or two of these organs are acting
inadequately. The debris is stored up in the system.

Read more and get all the tips you need to attain normal blood pressure at

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