Saturday, May 23, 2009

How to Cure High Blood Pressure- 7 Blood Pressure Secrets Doctors Won’t Tell You

Do you know how to cure high blood pressure with no medication? Most people would probably say to eat healthy (lower your salt-intake) and make sure you exercise. Unfortunately, most doctors tell you this and forget to tell you the other treatments you can be doing to lower your score and eventually be med-free.

The truth is that doctors are educated in medical schools were natural health and simple 'common sense' secrets are not taught. Unfortunately, medicine and antibiotics are only being taught because our medical industry is completely reliant upon pharmaceutical companies.

But new research is now showing the sometimes medicines are not the only treatment. In fact, some natural treatments are just as effective as their medicine counterpart.

Which is making some think, "Is there something doctors are NOT telling us?"

Naturally Treat High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure Medications (Diuretics, Beta Blockers, Alpha Blockers, and Vasodilators) work because they lower your blood pressure. The problem is that they make it look that you are healthy but are your numbers showing the truth?

High Blood Pressure medications work because they synthetically alleviate the pressure of the arteries and blood. For instance, with diuretics the blood will become less salty (less thick) and your pressure with drop. Another example would be beta blockers which synthetically cause the heart to beat slower.

Though these medications look good on paper, they are NOT treating the disease known as the 'silent killer'. In fact, they could be prolonging your life but they will never fully treat the disease. And statistics show that users will eventually die from the high blood pressure.

But what if you could naturally treat high blood pressure.

7 Hypertension Tips Your Doctor Won't Share with You

So you want to know, 'how to cure high blood pressure'? First, you need to know how to prevent high blood pressure holistically. Because curing high blood pressure starts with a holistic treatment. Holistically treating hypertension simply means using the 'whole' body to cure the problem. This is completely different than taking a pill to synthetically thin out the blood.

1. Three Miracle Minerals- If you are suffering from high blood pressure, you should be supplementing your diet with 3 miracle minerals that lower high blood pressure. Magnesium, Calcium and Potassium have been shown to help lower blood pressure.

2. Garlic- Garlic has been shown to benefit the heart, lower cholesterol and lower high blood pressure naturally. The compound in garlic, allicin, is thought to naturally lower high blood pressure. Find a quality supplement today.

3. Folic Acid- Vitamin B which is found in green leafy vegetables reduces homocysteine levels in the blood. This vitamin will lower the risk of heart disease and alleviate the pressure naturally.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar- Many or my customers have found success with apple cider vinegar which contains vitamins C, A, E, B1, B2 and B6, in addition to potassium, magnesium, and copper.

5. Relieve Stress- Do you know there are numerous ways to relieve stress? Breathing exercises, exercising, or reading a book are simple ways to relieve stress and lower high blood pressure. And there are even more than this!

6. Your Diet! You know the major Do's and Don'ts about high blood pressure dieting. Just remember to be eating your water-soluble fibers (fruits and vegetables). Fibers, especially water-soluble, will flush your system and plaque. Also, switch to whole grains! With less plaque in the arteries you will eventually be hypertension-free! Our HBP report goes into great detail about how you can treat hypertension with your diet.

7. Green Tea! It is loaded with antioxidants and research shows it lowers high blood pressure. Whether it is the 'relaxing' factor or the natural herbs in green tea, 1 cup of green tea will be helpful for your health!

Normalize your High Blood Pressure in 3 Weeks or Less

What foods should you be eating? What other vitamins are a must? What exercises are an absolute do? What herbs are making doctors scratch their heads? Why is chocolate now good for you?

Are you interested in lowering blood pressure naturally, with out drugs? We offer a 100% guaranteed, medical doctor-approved HBP Remedy Report which shares numerous natural health tips and guarantees to normalize your pressure in 3 weeks or less. If you are serious about living young again, please visit our How to Cure High Blood Pressure Website.

About The Author

Guaranteed to work in 3 weeks or less! Joe Barton and Barton Publishing Inc. have been publishing Hypertension Remedy Reports that teach you how to cure high blood pressure naturally. Are you next?

Reducing Blood Pressure with Herbal Medicine - 5 Free Secrets

Stop taking medication and start reducing blood pressure with herbal medicine!

I am amazed at how popular alternative treatments have become in the last 2 years alone. I am not quite sure if this popularity is caused by a poor economy or the side effect laden medications. Whatever your reason, I am glad you are making the switch to better your overall health and finally taking control of your blood pressure and life!

Thousands of high blood pressure sufferers will go completely natural this week and wean themselves off of high blood pressure medication. Why the switch?

Why a Natural Remedy May Work for You?

Natural remedies have had their pros and cons. But only in the last decade, natural remedies have become one of the fastest growing treatments in the many parts of the world. Because research has now entered the natural health realm, people are more confident to try legitimate alternative treatments.

In the case of high blood pressure (also called hypertension), natural remedies are quite possibly the best method to lower your pressure. It is proven that people who try natural treatments are more likely to have better overall health.

Here are some tips to lower your blood pressure using herbal medicine.

Reduce Blood Pressure with These Secrets

1. Along with zinc and copper, selenium may be helpful for people with high blood pressure. These 3 nutrients are often low in people with heart disease, so it makes sense that supplementing them may be helpful to people with heart problems or high blood pressure. You can probably get enough of all three of these nutrients by taking a good multivitamin capsule (twice a day). Selenium comes from meat, dark greens, wheat, walnuts and Brazil nuts.

2. Beta glucan is found in oat bran and maitake mushrooms. It is beneficial for lowering cholesterol, which can help lower blood pressure if you already have high cholesterol. Oat bran is particularly helpful for moving waste materials out of the body.

3. An amino acid that helps the body produce nitric acid, L-argine may be helpful in lowering blood pressure. It can be found in meat, peanuts, soy and wheat products. A study that involved taking 2 grams of L-argine daily reduced systolic pressure 20 points after taking the supplement for just a few days. L-argine is also helpful for lowering cholesterol.

4. Studies have shown that consuming just a tablespoon of flaxseed oil daily lowered both blood pressure numbers by about 9 points.

5. Fish oil, also known as Omega 3 fatty acid, is very helpful for the heart. If you eat fish 2 to 3 times a week, you are getting enough. However, most of us don't eat that much fish. You should get a quality fish oil capsule to supplement twice daily.

Is There More?

These 5 secrets are just the beginning of curing this serious disease. If you are interested in more researched remedies (40+), please take a moment and visit our website. We offer a High Blood Pressure Remedy Report that is 100% guaranteed to work in days. Download your copy now for 50% off.

About The Author

Joe Barton and Barton Publishing offer you a 100% guaranteed to work Hypertension Remedy Report that works in days. Learn more about reducing blood pressure now!

Diabetes and High Blood Pressure - Are You Self-Inflicting?

Diabetes and High Blood Pressure could be linked through insulin resistance. Examining the occurrence of Metabolic Syndrome X gives us insight into why it`s a case for concern.

It could spell trouble. The by-products of eating a poor diet are diabetes and high blood pressure. Almost 75% of diabetics are type 2, with 50% going on to develop high blood pressure, being unaware of the seriousness of their condition.

Metabolic Syndrome X - A Cluster of Symptoms

Before diabetes and high blood pressure are full blown other symptoms may show up. Weight gain especially around the middle, a high level of triglycerides in the blood, a decrease in HDL cholesterol, and insulin resistance.

A person experiencing all 3 symptoms along with the diabetes and high blood pressure, likely have what is know as Metabolic Syndrome X, due to the reason that cells and organs which are associated with those sicknesses, suffer malfunctions of metabolic processes. But they are all linked to a common cause; the regular consumption of high glycemic foods. These foods are white bread and rolls, white rice, sugar, baked ?potatoes, broad beans, chips, and many breakfast cereals. These foods are only a small selection from a list of many high glycemic foods.

The Symptoms of Insulin Resistance

Even if we eat high glycemic food, the remarkable pancreas can function quite efficiently. It`s an amazing organ. The insulin hormone released from it`s beta cells, will stimulate "gateways" (cell receptors), to receive glucose (sugar). It all functions perfectly. Insulin will also stimulate your liver and muscle cells to store any excess glucose as glycogen when too much is produced, and that reserve will be used when the glucose levels dip, maintaining a regular level of 70-110 mg per dl.

If you habitually eat a diet of glycemic foods, that`s when problems will begin to surface. Glucose levels will be too high in the blood too often, and your beta cells will continue to supply extra insulin to off-set the load. The results are damaging to those liver, muscle, and fat cell receptors. When that occurs, then the beta cells will work ever so harder, to produce more insulin, trying to force insulin into the cells. More cell receptors are destroyed and the cycle of destruction repeats.

Your cells at this phase, become insulin resistant, with Diabetes and high blood pressure looming as a real threat, along with the other metabolic syndrome X symptoms.

With all the bombardment of insulin, your fat cell receptors become resistant to it causing triglycerides to break down and enter the blood and raise the fat count. Your muscle cells are reduced to the amount of glucose they can take in, because they too have become insulin resistant, raising the glucose in the blood higher. Then there are your liver cells which fail to store any excess glucose as glycogen when they become insulin resistant, keeping glucose levels high. Welcome to the world of diabetes! Your blood pressure begins to rise because the insulin metabolism is gone haywire, and to top it all you will probably develop -

Narrowed blood vessels
Hardened arteries
Damage to artery walls
Damage to the kidneys
Fat burning mechanism switches off
Weight gain
Vitamin and mineral deficiencies

What happens now to your wonderful working pancreas? You overworked them so much that the beta cells are beginning to burn out. Soon you will need insulin injections, on top of all the other serious health issues you will now have to cope with. Is this your story? I hope not. Don’t self-harm. Change your diet before it changes you.

About The Author

Jamesina Goulbourne goes beneath the surface, searching for the reasons why high blood pressure and related illnesses can be reversed or even avoided altogether through alternative methods. For those seeking to know how the body works to help it, a visit to her site will not disappoint.

Follow the full article and more at

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Your Mental Attitude and Wealth

There is a wide divergence of opinion about the role our mental attitude play as we seek to b successful in every aspect of our live. At one
extreme some say that all is mind, at the other, that life is entirely
physical, that the mind is but a refined part of the body. Most of us
recognize both body and mind, and realize that life has a physical
basis. If some are pleased to be known as mental phenomena, no harm is

All desire to make a success of life. What would be a success for one
would be a failure for another. It all depends on the point of view.
Broadly speaking, all are successful who are helpful, whether it be in
furnishing pleasure or necessities to others. The humble may be as
successful as the great, yes even more so.

Wealth and success are not synonymous, as many think. Among the failures
must be counted many of the wealthy. Financial success is not real
success unless it has been gained in return for valuable service. The
men of initiative deserve greater rewards than the plodders and these
rewards are cheerfully given.

A little genuine love and affection can bring more beauty and happiness
into life than wealth, and neither can be bought with money.

The best and most satisfying form of success comes to him who helps
himself by helping others. "It is more blessed to give than to receive,"
has passed into common currency; but the more we give the more we
receive. He who loves attracts love. He who hates is repaid in kind. "He
who lives by the sword shall perish by the sword."

Read more and get all the tips you need to combat high blood pressure my blog and

Recommended Tips on When To Take Your Meals

Three meals a day is the common plan. This is a matter of habit. Three
meals a day are sufficient and should not be exceeded by man, woman or
child. Lunching or "piecing" should never be indulged in. Children who
are fed on plain, nutritious foods that contain the necessary food
elements do not need lunches. Lunching is also a matter of habit, and we
can safely say that it is a bad habit.

If three meals a day are taken, two should be light. He who wishes to
work efficiently can not eat three hearty meals a day. If it is brain
work, the digestive organs will take so much of the blood supply that an
insufficient amount of blood will be left to nourish the brain. The
worker feels the lack of energy. He is not inclined to do thorough work,
that is, to go to the root of matters, and he therefore does indifferent
work. One rule to which there is no exception is that the brain can not
do its best when the digestive organs are working hard. If there is a
piece of work to be done or a problem to be solved that requires all of
one's powers it is best to tackle it with an empty stomach, or after a
very light meal.

If the work is physical, it is not necessary to draw the line so fine.
But it is well to remember that hard physical work prevents digestion.
All experiments prove this. So if the labor is very trying, the eating
should be light. Those who eat much because they work hard will soon
wear themselves out, for hard work retards digestion, and with weakened
digestion the more that is eaten, the less nourishment is extracted from
it. Those who labor hard should take a light breakfast and the same kind
of a noon meal. After the day's work is done, take a hearty meal. Those
who perform hard physical labor, as well as those who work chiefly with
their brains, should relax a while after the noon meal. A nap lasting
ten to twenty minutes is very beneficial, but not necessary if
relaxation is taken.

During sleep the activities of the body slow down. Most people who take
a heavy meal and retire immediately thereafter feel uncomfortable when
they wake in the morning. The reason is that the food did not digest
well. It is always well to remain up at least two hours after eating a
hearty meal.

Most people would be better off if they took but two meals a day. Those
who have sedentary occupations need less fuel than manual laborers, and
could get along very well on two meals a day. However, if moderation is
practiced, no harm will come from eating three times a day.

In olden times many people lived on one meal a day. Some do so today and
get along very well. It is easy to get plenty of nourishment from one
meal, and it has the advantage of not taking so much time. Most of us
spend too much time preparing for meals and eating. Once when it was
rather inconvenient to get more meals, I lived for ten months on one
meal a day. I enjoyed my food very much and was well nourished. For
twelve years I have lived on two meals a day, one of them often
consisting of nothing but some juicy fruit. Many others do likewise, not
because they are prejudiced against three meals per day, but they find
the two meal plan more convenient and very satisfactory.

Meat, potatoes and bread, with other foods, three times a day is a
common combination. No ordinary mortal can live in health on such a
diet. Such feeding results in discomfort and disease, and unless it is
changed, in premature aging and death. The body needs only a certain
amount of material. Sufficient can be taken in two meals. If three meals
is the custom less food at a meal should be eaten. However, the general
rule is that those who eat three meals per day eat fully as large ones
as those who take only two.

As a rule, the meal times should be regular. We need a certain amount of
nourishment, and it is well to take it regularly. This reduces friction,
and is conducive to health, for the body is easily taught to fall into
habits of regularity and works best when these are observed.

There should be a period of at least four and one-half to five hours
between meals. It takes that long for the body to get a meal out of the
way. Stomach digestion is but the beginning of the process, and this
alone requires from two to five hours.

Read more and get all the tips you need to attain normal blood pressure

Recommended Diet Lists For You

To emphasize and illustrate these remarks, I shall copy a few diet
lists, which their authors consider reasonable and correct for the
average person for one day, and I shall give my comments. The first is
taken from Kirke's Physiology, which has been used extensively as a
text-book in medical colleges:

340 grams lean uncooked meat,
600 " bread,
90 " butter,
28 " cheese,
225 " potatoes,
225 " carrots.

An ounce contains 28.3 grams; a pound, 453 grams. It is easy to figure
these quantities of food in ounces or pounds, which give a better idea
to the average person.

It is self-evident that this is too much food. Over twelve ounces of
lean, uncooked meat, over twenty-one ounces of bread, almost one-half of
a pound each of potatoes and carrots, about an ounce of cheese and over
three ounces of butter make enough food for two days, even for a big
eater. He who tries to live up to a diet of this kind is sure to suffer
disease and early death.

The average loaf of bread weighs about fourteen ounces. Here we are told
to devour one-half of a pound of carrots (for which other vegetables
such as turnips, parsnips, beets or cabbage may be substituted),
one-half of a pound of potatoes, three-fourths of a pound of lean raw
meat, which loses some weight in cooking, a loaf and one-half of bread,
besides butter and cheese. The vast majority of people can not eat more
than one-third of this amount and retain efficiency and health, but many
eat even more.

The next table is taken from Dr. I. Burney Yeo's book on diet, and is
given as the food required daily by a "well nourished worker":

151.3 grams meat,
48.1 " white of egg,
450.0 " bread,
500.0 " milk,
1065.9 " beer,
60.2 " suet,
30.0 " butter,
70.0 " starch,
17.0 " sugar,
4.9 " salt.

This worker is too well fed. Often those who are so well fed are poorly
nourished, for the excessive amount of food ruins the nutrition, after
which the food is poorly digested and assimilated. This worker eats so
much that he will be compelled to do manual labor all his days, for such
feeding prevents effective thinking.

The following daily average diet is taken from the book, "Diet and
Dietetics," by A. Gauthier, a well known authority on the subject of the
nutritive needs of the body. Mr. Gauthier averaged the daily food intake
of the inhabitants of Paris for the ten years from 1890 to 1899,
inclusive. He takes it for granted that this is the average daily food
requirement for a person:

420.0 grams bread and cakes,
216.0 " boned meat,
24.1 " eggs (weighed with shell),
8.1 " cheese (dry or cream),
28.0 " butter, oil, etc.,
70.0 " fresh fruit,
250.0 " green vegetables,
40.0 " dried vegetables,
100.0 " potatoes, rice,
40.0 " sugar,
20.0 " salt,
213.0 C. C. milk,
557.0 C. C. of various alcoholics, containing
9.5 C. C. of pure alcohol.

So long as the Parisians consume such quantities of food they will
continue to suffer and die before they reach one-half of the age that
should be theirs. The French eat no more than do other people, in fact,
they seem moderate in their food intake as compared with some of the
Germans, English and Americans, but they eat too much for their physical
and mental good.

The lists given above are from sources that command the respect of the
medical profession. They are the orthodox and popular opinions. It would
be an easy matter to give many more tables, but they agree so closely
that it would be a waste of time and space.

Read more and get all the tips about food that lower high blood pressure

Know More About the Constituents of Your Body

Know More About the Constituents of Your Body

A healthy human body is composed of the following compounds, in about
the proportions given:

Water, 60 to 65 per cent.
Mineral matter, 5 to 6 per cent.
Protein, 18 to 20 per cent.
Carbohydrates, 1 per cent.
Fat, 10 per cent. This is perhaps excessive.

These substances are very complex and well distributed throughout the
body. They are composed of about sixteen or seventeen elements, but a
pure element is very rarely found in the body, unless it be a foreign
substance, such as mercury or lead. About 70 per cent of the body is
oxygen, which is also the most abundant element of the earth. Then in
order of their weight come carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium,
phosphorus, sulphur, sodium, chlorine, fluorine, potassium, iron,
magnesium and silicon.

Because it will be helpful in giving a better idea of the necessity for
proper feeding, I shall devote a few words to each of these elements.

Oxygen is a colorless, tasteless, odorless gas, forming a large part
of the atmospheric air, of water, of the earth's crust and of our foods.
It is absolutely essential to life, for without oxygen there can be no
combustion in the animal tissues, and without combustion there can be no
life. The union of oxygen with fats, carbohydrates and proteins in the
body results in slow combustion, which produces heat and energy. Our
chief supply of oxygen comes directly from the air, but this is
supplemented by the intake in food and water.

Carbon is the chief producer of energy within the body, being the
principal constituent of starches, sugars and fats. It is what we rely
on for internal heat, as well as for heating our dwellings, for the
essential part of coal is carbon. The carbonaceous substances are needed
in greater quantity than any other, but if they are taken pure, they
cause starvation more quickly than if no food were eaten. This has been
proved through experiments in feeding nothing but refined sugar, which
is practically pure carbon. Salts and nitrogenous foods are essential to

Hydrogen is a very light gas, without odor, taste or color. It is a
necessary constituent of all growing, living things. It is plentifully
supplied in water. All acids contain hydrogen and so does the protoplasm
of the body.

Nitrogen is also a colorless, tasteless, odorless gas. It is an
essential constituent of the body, being present in all compounds of
protein. It is abundant in the atmospheric air, from which it is taken
by plants. We get our supply either directly from vegetable foods or
from animal products, such as milk, eggs and meat.

Calcium is needed principally for the bones and for the teeth, but it
is also necessary in the blood, where it assists in coagulation. We get
sufficient calcium salts in fruits, grains and vegetables, provided they
are properly prepared. The conventional preparation of the food often
results in the loss of the various salts, which causes tissue
degeneration. If the supply of calcium in the food is too small, the
bones and the teeth suffer, for the blood removes the calcium from these
structures. Growing children need more calcium proportionately than do
adults. This is without doubt the reason pregnant women suffer so much
from softening of the teeth. They are fed on foods robbed of their
calcium, such as white bread and vegetables that have been drained.

Phosphorus in some forms is a poison whether taken in solid compounds
or inhaled in fumes, producing phossy jaw. In other forms it is
indispensable for bodily development. The compounds of phosphorus are
present in fats, bones and protein. In natural foods they are abundantly
present, but when these foods are unduly refined, or are soaked in water
which is thrown away, much of the phosphorus is lost. We get phosphorus
from milk, eggs, cereals, legumes and other foods. Of course, there is
phosphorus in fish, but those who eat sea food to make themselves brainy
will probably be disappointed. Phosphates are necessary for brain
development, but those who eat natural foods never need to go to the
trouble of taking special foods for the brain. If the rest of the body
is well nourished, the brain will have sufficient food, and if the body
is poorly nourished the brain will suffer.

Sulphur is present in protein and we get a sufficient supply from
milk, meat and legumes. The element sulphur is quite inert and harmless,
but some of its acids and salts are very poisonous. Sulphur dioxide is
freely used in the process of drying fruits, as a bleacher. In this form
it is poisonous, and for that reason it would be well to avoid bleached
dried fruits. We need some sulphur, but not in the form of sulphur
dioxide or concentrated sulphurous acid, both of which are used in the
manufacture of food.

Sodium in its elementary state, which is not found in nature, is a
white, silvery metal. It is found in great abundance in the succulent
vegetables, and is present in practically all foods. As sodium chloride,
or common table salt, it is taken in great quantities by most people.
Those who have no salt get along well without it, which shows that it is
not needed in large amounts. If but a little is added to the food, it
does no perceptible harm, but when sprinkled on everything that is
eaten, from watermelons to meat, it is without doubt harmful. By soaking
foods, they are deprived of much of their soda: The two sodium salts
that are very abundant are sodium chloride, or common salt, and sodium
carbonate, generally called soda.

Chlorine is ordinarily combined in our foods with sodium or potash,
forming the chlorides. It is essential to life. He who gets enough
sodium also gets enough chlorine. In its elementary form it is an
irritating gas, used for bleaching purposes.

Fluorine is present in small quantities in the body, appearing as
fluorides in the bones and teeth. It is supplied by the various foods.
In its elementary form it is a poisonous gas.

Potassium is found in the body in very small quantities, but it is
very important. It is mostly in the form of potassium phosphate in the
muscles and in the blood. It is necessary for muscular activity. It is
found in most foods in greater abundance than is sodium, which indicates
that it plays an important part in development. Like sodium, it is
easily dissolved out of foods which are soaked in water, and this is one
of the reasons that vegetables should not be soaked and the water thrown
away. It is very peculiar in its metallic state, being a silvery metal,
very light in weight, which burns when thrown upon water. That is, it
decomposes both itself and the water with the liberation of so much heat
that it fires the escaping hydrogen, which burns with a violet flame.
Pure potassium is not found in nature.

Iron is found in very small quantities in the human body, but it is
absolutely essential to life. Animals deprived of iron die in a few
weeks, and people will do the same under similar circumstances. Iron is
obtained principally from fruits and vegetables, but it is also present
in other foods. Man can not make use of inorganic iron. He has to get
his supply from the vegetable and animal kingdoms. The giving of
inorganic iron is folly and helps to ruin the teeth and the stomach of
the one who takes it. In the form of hemoglobin this element is the
chief agent in carrying oxygen from the lungs to the tissues of the
body. In the manufacture of foods, much of the iron is lost. For
instance, whole wheat flour contains about ten times as much iron as
does the white flour. Too little iron causes, among other ills, anemia,
and if the iron is very low, chlorosis or the green sickness may ensue.

Magnesium is found principally as phosphate in the bones. It is
present both in animal and vegetable foods. Its function in the body is
not well understood, but it appears to assist the phosphorus.

Silicon is found in traces in the human body. It is supplied in small
quantities in nearly all of our foods, and therefore we must take it for
granted that it is necessary, although we are in the dark as to its
uses. It is very abundant in various rocks. The cereals are especially
rich in silicon. In wheat it is found in the bran and is removed from
the white flour.

Read more and get all the tips about foods that lower blood pressure

How to Stop Your Bad Habits and Save Your Health

Some people have many pet bad habits. It is often the best policy to
attack them one at a time. Those who try to conquer all at once often
fail. They backslide, lose self-confidence, become discouraged, tell
themselves that it is no use, for it can not be done. Begin with the
habit that is least formidable. After this is conquered, overcome
another one, and in time most of the bad habits will be subdued. The
first conquest builds confidence, and with confidence and determination
it is possible to gain self-mastery in time.

The greatest evil about bad habits is that they conquer us. They become
masters, we slaves. Let us be free. "He who conquers himself is greater
than he who taketh a city."

The mind grows strong by overcoming obstacles, as the body gains in
strength through work and exercise.

Giving up bad habits is very disagreeable at first. Those who have
conquered the prevalent habit of overeating know that they have been in
a fight. The smokers who quit suffer. Those who break away from liquor
have a much greater struggle. Those who attempt to overcome drug
addictions suffer the tortures of the damned. Those who overcome their
bad mental habits have a hard time of it at first, but though it is
difficult it is possible. It is no easy matter to curb a fiery
disposition or to quit worrying. It requires time, persistence and
perseverance. Fretting, envy, spite, jealousy, and hatred are tenacious
tenants of the mind they occupy. These harmful emotions are enemies
which sap our strength and we must thrust them from our lives if we
would live well. This is not all-narrow selfishness, for when we have
gained mental calm for ourselves we are in position to impart peace of
mind to others and to be more useful than previously. A calm mind is not
a stagnant one. A mind is in the best possible condition to
work, to think clearly and effectively.

Read more and get all the tips you need to attain normal blood pressure at

How Hatred and jealousy Can Affect Your Health

Hatred is one of the most harmful and poisonous of emotions.
Fortunately, violent hatred can last but a short time, otherwise it
would prove fatal. Some are chronic haters. He who hates harms himself.
The thoughts weave themselves into one's personality and form the

Jealousy is one of the most disagreeable of emotions. The jealous
person insists on suffering. A jealous woman can convert a home into an
inferno. Jealousy is sure to kill love in time. The jealous individual
often excuses himself on the ground that he loves. That is not true.
There is more fear than love at the base of jealousy. Jealous people are
selfish and too indolent mentally to give their thoughts a positive

Those who are violently jealous are suffering from mental aberration.
The jealous person loses, for he drives away the object of his

There are many jealous men, but women suffer most. Bad health and
idleness are two prolific causes of jealousy. It has probably broken up
more homes than any other one thing. It is blighting to all it touches.

Men and women may feel flattered for a time by producing jealousy, but
it is a satisfaction of very short duration. They soon grow weary of the
questions, doubts and reproaches.

Those who are sensible enough to give freely to others the liberty they
crave for themselves do not suffer much from this emotion. It would help
greatly if man and wife would look upon the marriage relation more as a
partnership and less as a form of bondage. One of the partners cannot
force the other one to be "good." People do the best by others when full
confidence is given, and even if the confidence should be misplaced, it
would be better than to suffer from this corroding emotion at all times.

It is not an easy task to overcome jealousy, but it can be done within a
reasonable time if there is a real desire. First, get physical health.
Then get busy with interesting, useful work. Get something worthwhile
to occupy the mind and the hands. Determine to be master of yourself and
not a slave to what is often but figments of the imagination.
Unfortunately, jealousy so dwarfs the judgment at times that the
sufferers seek only to rule or ruin. Love and hate are so closely akin
that it is hard to find the dividing line.

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How Anger Affects You Health

Anger is a form of temporary insanity. It is an emotion that is
unbecoming in strong men, for it is a sign of weakness, and the women
who indulge in it frequently can not long keep the respect of others.
Those who become angry lay themselves open to wounds of all kinds, for
they partly lose their mental and physical faculties temporarily. An
angry man is easily vanquished in any contest where ready wit is
necessary. As the saying is, he makes a fool of himself. To be high
strung and quick to lose one's temper may sound fine in romantic
rubbish, but in real life it is folly, for much more can be accomplished
by being calm.

Like hatred, anger produces poisons in the system. An angry mother's
milk has been known to kill the nursing child. A fit of anger is so
serious that the evil effects can be felt for several days, and those
who indulge in daily or even weekly loss of temper can not enjoy the
best of health, for the anger produces enough toxins to poison all the
fluids of the body.

Fortunately, anger is one of the emotions that can be conquered in a
reasonable time, if there is a real desire to do so. It should not take
an adult more than one or two years to get himself under control.

During anger there is a tensing of various muscles, those of the face
and hands for instance. If this tensing is not allowed the anger, will
not last long. If there is a tendency to become angry, relax and the
mind will ease up. A perfectly relaxed individual cannot harbor anger,
for this emotion requires tensing of body and mind. A determination to
control the temper and a whole-hearted apology after each display of
anger will prove very effective in reducing the frequency and force of
the attacks. Mental suggestion is not as powerful as some say, but it is
such a great force for good or evil, depending on its use, that those
who are wise will not neglect it as a means of self-conquest.

People who are easily offended and "stand on their dignity”, have a very
poor footing. Those who find it necessary to inform others that they are
ladies or gentlemen, are very apt to be prejudiced in their own favor.
Gentlefolks do not need to advertise, nor do they do so. Others
recognize their worth intuitively.

Fretting is anger on a small scale. It is a habit that is easily
formed. The fretter and those about him are made uncomfortable. Those
who respect themselves and others do not indulge.

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Food Combinations and Your Health

You must have good health in order to do your work well. Besides this, you want to be able to play afterwards and both work and play require good health. It is a great handicap to be lacking in energy when you are young and should be strong. This article is meat to give details of food combinations for the different health problems you may have.

1. Remedy When You Have Troubles With Your Nerves


1 tablespoon lard
1 tablespoon butter
1-1/2 teaspoons salt
1 tablespoon sugar
1 cup scalded milk
1 cup boiling water
1 yeast cake in 1/4 cup lukewarm water
6 cups sifted flour

Method--Put lard, butter, salt and sugar into large bowl. Pour over them
the scalded milk and boiling water. When this is lukewarm add the yeast
cake dissolved in luke-warm water. Sift in flour gradually, beating with
a spoon. Toss on a floured board and knead until smooth. Allow it to
rise over night in a moderately warm place or until it doubles its
original size. Cut down or knead and allow it to rise until light, then
form into loaves or biscuits. Allow these to rise until light, then
bake. The amount of yeast used will depend on the length of time the
bread is allowed to rise.

2. Having Troubles With A Weak Back Pain?


2 cups Indian Meal
1 cup flour
1/2 cup sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 egg
1 teaspoon soda
2 cups sour milk

Method--Sift the dry ingredients together except the soda. Add egg
slightly beaten. Dissolve the soda in sour milk, stir into the dry
ingredients quickly and pour into a greased pan. Bake for half an hour
in a moderate oven.
3. Haing Troubles With Weak Feelings And Headache All The Time.


2 cups bread flour
4 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 to 2 tablespoons shortening
3/4 cup milk

Method--Sift the dry ingredients together, mix in fat with the tips of
fingers, then add the milk a little at a time or cut it in with a knife.
The dough should be as soft as can be easily handled. Roll lightly until
one inch thick, cut in rounds and bake in a hot oven for 15 or 20

4. Are You Suffering Greatly From Weakness?


3 cups flour
2 tablespoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
4 tablespoons baking powder
1 egg
2 cups milk
2 tablespoons melted fat

Method--Mix and sift dry ingredients. Add beaten egg, milk and fat to
make a thin batter. Drop on a hot oiled griddle and brown on both sides.

5. Suffering From Pains in the Back?


A spoonful of vinegar added to the water when cooking corned beef will
make it more tender.

To make pie-crust flaky try adding one-half a spoonful of vinegar to the
cold water before mixing.

Add vinegar to the water in which you soak wilted vegetables and they
will revive quickly and any little bugs in them will come out.

Add vinegar to the water when washing windows or paint or cleaning

If paint or varnish is on a window, wet it with hot vinegar and rub it
off with a cent.

To take the shine from clothing, sponge the shiny places with boiling
hot vinegar, rubbing vigorously, then press as usual.

Read more articles on helath issues and foods that lower blood pressure at

Recommended Tips on How To Take Your Meals

It seems that all of us ought to know how to eat, for we have much
practice; yet the individuals who know the true principles of nourishing
the body are comparatively few. Very few healers are able to give full
and explicit directions on this important subject. Some can give partial
instructions, but we need a full working knowledge.

In one period of our racial history there were times when it was
difficult to obtain food, as it is now among some savage people. Then it
was without doubt customary to gorge, as it is among some savages now
when they get a plenteous supply of food, especially of flesh food. Even
among so-called civilized people, the distribution of food is so uneven
that some are in want somewhere, nearly all the time. In parts of
Russia, we are informed, the peasants go into a state of
semi-hibernation during part of the winter, living on very small
quantities of inferior food.

With rapid transportation and the extensive use of power-propelled
machinery, famine should be unheard of in civilized countries. In our
land there is a sufficient quantity of food and people seldom suffer
because they have not enough, but considerable suffering is due to
excessive intake and to poor quality of food. Weight for weight, white
bread is not as valuable as whole wheat bread, though it contains as
much starch. Measure for measure, boiled milk is inferior as a food to
untreated milk, either fresh or clabbered. Such facts make it necessary
for us to know how to eat.

The correct principles of taking nourishment to the best advantage have
been fairly well known for a long time, and perhaps they have been fully
discussed years ago by some author, but so far as I know Dr. E. H. Dewey
is the first one who grouped them and gave them the prominence they
deserve. He employed many pages in explaining clearly and forcibly these
principles, which can be briefly stated as follows:

First, Be guided by the appetite in eating. Eat only when there is

Second, During acute illness fast, that is, live on water.

Third, Be moderate in eating.

Fourth, Masticate your food thoroughly.

Dr. J. H. Tilden teaches his patients the same in these words:

"Never eat when you feel badly.

"Never eat when you have no desire.

"Do not overeat.

"Thoroughly masticate and in salivate all your food."

Because these true dietetic principles are so important, probably being
the most valuable information given in this book, let us give them
enough consideration to fix them in the mind. They should be a part of
every child's education. They should be so thoroughly learned that they
become second nature, for if they are observed disease is practically
impossible. Accidents may happen, but no serious disease can develop and
certainly none of a chronic nature if these rules are observed, provided
the individual gives himself half a chance in other ways. When the
eating is correct, it is difficult to fall into bad habits mentally.
Correct eating is a powerful aid to health. Health tends to produce
proper thinking, which in turn leads the individual to proper acting.

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Negative Effects of Over Eating Upon Babies

Cholera infantum causes the death of many babies. It never occurs in
babies who are fed moderately on natural, clean food, not to exceed
three or four times a day. The child is cross. The mother thinks that it
is cross because it is hungry and accordingly feeds. The real cause of
the irritability is the overfeeding that has already taken place. The
baby has had so much milk that it is unable to digest all of it. A part
of the milk spoils in the digestive tract. This fermented material is
partly absorbed and irritates the whole system. A part of it remains in
the alimentary tract where it acts as a direct local irritant to the
intestines. When these are irritated, the blood-vessels begin to pour
out their serum to soothe the bowels and the result is diarrhea. The
sick child is fed often. Digestive power is practically absent. The
additional food given ferments and more serum has to be thrown out to
protect the intestinal walls. Soon there is a well established case of
cholera infantum.

If only enough food had been given to satisfy bodily requirements, none
of the milk would have spoiled in the alimentary tract. If all feeding
had been stopped as soon as the child became irritable and pinched
looking about the mouth and nose, and all the water desired had been
given and the child kept warm, there would have been no serious disease.
In these cases, the less food given the quicker the recoveries and the
fewer the fatalities.

Another common disease of childhood is adenoids. To talk of these
maladies as diseases is rather misleading, for they are merely symptoms
of perverted nutrition, but we are compelled to make the best of our
medical language.

Adenoids are due to indigestion. The indigestion is due to overeating.
This is how it comes about: A child eats more than can be digested,
generally bolting the food, which is often of a mushy character. The
excessive amount of food can not be digested, and as the intestines and
the stomach are moist and have a temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit,
fermentation soon takes place. Some of the results of fermentation in
the alimentary tract are acids, gases and bacterial poisons. These
deleterious substances are absorbed into the blood stream and go to all
parts of the body, acting as irritants. We do not know why they cause
adenoids in one child and catarrh in another. It is easy enough to say
that children are predisposed that way, which is no information at all.
It seems that all of us have some weak point, and here disease has a
tendency to localize. What part the sympathetic nervous system plays, we
do not know. Glandular tissue is rather unstable and therefore it
becomes diseased easily and adenoids are therefore quite frequent.

A coated tongue, or an irritated tongue, both due to indigestion, is a
concomitant of adenoids. Such diseases do not merely happen. There are
good reasons for their appearance. They are not reflections on the
child, but they are on the parents who should have the right knowledge
and should take time and pains enough to educate and train the child
into health.

Tuberculosis is one of the results of ruined nutrition. First there is
overeating. This causes indigestion. The irritating products of food
fermenting in the alimentary tract are taken up by the blood. The blood
goes to the lungs where it irritates the delicate mucous membrane. In
self-protection it begins to secrete an excess of mucus and if the
irritation is great enough, pus. The various bacteria are incidental.
The tubercular bacillus is never able to gain a foothold in healthy
lungs, but after degeneration of lung-tissue has taken place the lungs
furnish a splendid home for this bacillus. The tubercular bacillus is a
scavenger and therefore does not thrive in healthy bodies. It is the
result of disease, not the cause.

Tubercular subjects never have healthy digestive organs. Unfortunately,
nearly all of them are persuaded to eat many times more food than they
can digest, and thus they have no opportunity to recover, for the
overfeeding ruins the digestive and assimilative powers beyond
recuperative ability. A large per cent. of the human race perish
miserably from this disease, which results principally from the
ingestion of too much food. The liberal use of such devitalized foods as
sterilized milk, refined sugar and finely bolted wheat flour is
doubtless a great factor in so reducing bodily resistance that the
system falls an easy prey to disease. Too little breathing and poor,
devitalized air are also important factors.

There are many causes of rheumatism, but overeating is the chief and it
is very doubtful if a case of rheumatism can develop without this main
cause. Exposure is often given as the cause, but a healthy man with a
clean body does not become rheumatic.

Rheumatism is due to internal filth. A filthy alimentary tract makes
filthy blood. Some say that the poison in rheumatism is uric acid, and
perhaps it is, but there are no uric acid deposits in the body of a
prudent eater. The elimination in this disease is imperfect. The skin,
the kidneys, the bowels and the lungs do not throw out the debris as
they should. Perhaps only one or two of these organs are acting
inadequately. The debris is stored up in the system.

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How Worrying Affects Your Health

Worrying is perhaps the most common and the worst of our
mental sins. Worry is like a cancer: It eats in and in. It is
destructive of both body and mind. It is due largely to lack of
self-control and is a symptom of cowardice. Much worry is also
indicative of great selfishness, which most of those afflicted will
deny. Those who worry much are always in poor health, which grows
progressively worse. The form of indigestion accompanied by great
acidity and gas formation is a prolific source of worry, as well as of
other mental and physical troubles. The acidity irritates the nervous
system and the irritation in time causes mental depression.

Confirmed worriers will worry about the weather, the past, the present,
the future, about work and about play, about food, clothing and drink,
about those who are present and those who are absent. Nothing escapes
them and they bring sadness and woe in their wake.

Worrying is slow suicide.

Elbert Hubbard says that our most serious troubles are those that never

Worrying is a very futile employment, for it never does any good, and it
reacts evilly upon the one who indulges in it, and those with whom he
associates. It is a waste of time and energy. The energy thus used could
be directed into useful channels.

Let those who are afflicted with this bad and annoying habit get into
good physical condition. Then many of the worries will take wing. If
they persist, it would be well to face the matter frankly and honestly,
setting down the advantages of worrying on one side and the
disadvantages on the other. Then take into consideration that not one
thing in a thousand worried about happens, and if something disagreeable
does occur, worrying can not prevent it. Besides a disagreeable
happening now and then will not cause half of the discomfort and trouble
that a disturbed mind does.

"And this too shall pass away," is an ancient saying which it would be
well to remember in conjunction with, "And this will probably never

How Over Eating Can Affect Your Health

All agree that excessive indulgence in alcoholics is harmful physically,
mentally and morally. We condemn the too free use of tea and coffee and
nearly all other excesses. However, intemperate eating is considered
respectable. A large part of our social life consists in partaking of
too much food.

Medical text-books say that we must eat great quantities of food to
maintain strength and health. Humanity views the subject of eating from
the wrong angle, and it will perhaps be many years before the majority
gets the right point of view. We should eat to live, but most of us eat
to die. Benjamin Franklin said that we dig our graves with our teeth.

Men and women band themselves into societies and associations for the
purpose of decreasing or doing away with the use of tobacco and
alcoholic drinks. They advocate temperance and even abstinence in the
use of those things which do not appeal to their own senses; but most of
them are far from temperate in their eating. They have very keen vision
when searching for weaknesses and faults in others, but are quite
near-sighted regarding their own.

Is excessive indulgence in liquor any worse than overeating? Not
according to nature's answer. The inebriate deteriorates and so does the
glutton. Both cause race deterioration. Gluttony is more common than
inebriety and is responsible for more ills. Gluttony is often the cause
of the tea, coffee, alcohol and drug habits. Overeating often causes so
much irritation that food does not satisfy the cravings, and then drugs
are used.

Improper eating, chiefly overeating, causes most of the ills to which
man is heir. If people would learn to be moderate in all things disease
and early death would be very rare.

It is quite important to combine foods properly, but the worst
combinations of food eaten in moderation are harmless, as compared to
the damage done by overeating of the best foods. Overeating is with us
from the cradle to the grave. It shortens our days and fills them with

There is a hoary belief that a pregnant woman must eat for two. The
mothers have generally obeyed this dictum. The result is that women
suffer greatly during pregnancy and at childbirth. The morning sickness,
the aching back, the headache, the swollen legs and all of the
discomforts and diseases from which civilized woman suffers during this
period are mostly due to improper eating. Pregnancy and childbirth are
physiologic and are devoid of any great amount of discomfort, pain or
danger when women lead normal lives.

The overeating affects both mother and child. The mothers are often
injured or lose their lives during childbirth. Sometimes labor is so
protracted that the child dies and at other times the baby is so large
that it can not be born naturally. The mother's suffering is frequently
very great. In fact, it is at times so great that it is like a
threatening storm cloud to many women, and some of them refuse to become
mothers for this reason.

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How Fear Can Affect Your Health

In fear there is loss of both physical and mental power. Not only the
voluntary muscles become impotent, but the involuntary ones lose in
effectiveness. Digestion is partly or wholly suspended. "Scared stiff"
is a popular and truthful expression. The bodily rhythm is lost, the
breathing becomes jerky and the heart beats out of tune.

Keep fear out of the lives of babes. If children are taught the truth,
there will be little fear in adult minds. Children should not be taught
prayers in which there is an element of fear. It is much better to bring
children up to love other people and God than to fear.

Those who have cultivated fear should try suggestion. Positive
suggestion is always best. Let them analyze matters thus: "I have feared
daily and nightly. Nothing has happened. I have brought unnecessary
discomfort upon myself. There is nothing to fear and I shall be brave
hereafter." Those who fear God have a low conception of Him. Let them
remember the beautiful saying that "God is love." Through repeating them
often enough, such positive suggestions sink so deeply into the mind
that they replace doubts and fears.

About 2500 years ago Pythagoras wrote: "Hate and fear breed a poison in
the blood, which, if continued, affect eyes, ears, nose and the organs
of digestion. Therefore, it is not wise to hear and remember the unkind
things that others may say of us." Pythagoras was an ancient
philosopher, but his words express modern scientific truths.

Fear poisons your blood and makes you become sickly.

Habits That Are Dangerous To Your Health

Vacillation of mind

Vacillation of mind is a common fault. Many small questions have to be
settled and a few important ones. Some are in the habit of deferring
their decisions from time to time, or making and revoking their
decisions. Then they decide over again, after which there is another
revocation. This is repeated until it is absolutely necessary to make a
final decision. By this time the mind is so muddled that the chances are
that the last decision will be inferior to the first one. No one who
leads an active life can be right all the time. He who is right six
times out of ten does pretty well, and he who can make a correct
decision three times out of four can command a fine salary as an
executive or build up a flourishing business of his own, if his mind is

The doubt and uncertainty which result from unsettled questions, which
should be promptly decided, are more harmful than an occasional error.
The untroubled mind works most quickly and truly.

Related to this in minor key is the doubtful condition of mind where the
individual has to do things several times before he is sure they are
properly done. For instance, there is the man who must try the office
door several times to be sure that it is locked and after being
satisfied on this point he is obliged to unlock it and investigate the
condition of the safe door. Then it is necessary to attend to the office
door two or three times again. This kind of doubtfulness takes many
forms. It does no special harm except that it leads to much waste of
time. Such people should teach themselves concentration, thinking about
one thing only at a time, until they learn that when a thing is done it
is properly done.


Many insist on passing judgment on everything and everybody
that come to their notice. Every individual has to be placed with the
sheep or the goats. This is a great waste of time. Each one of us can
know so little about the majority of individuals we meet and of the vast
volume of knowledge that is to be had that if we try to judge everyone
and everything, our opinions become worthless. Wise people are never
afraid to say, "I don't know." If it is necessary to judge, let there be

Volunteering Advice

This is another annoying habit. It is very well
to give advice if it is desired and asked for, otherwise it is a waste
of time. Take a person with a cold, for example: If he meets twenty
people he may be told of fifteen different cures for it, ranging from
goose grease on a red rag to suggestive therapeutics. If he were to act
upon all the advice received there would probably be a funeral. It is
best to be sparing with advice. Those who have any that is worth while
will be asked for it and paid for their trouble. Free advice is
generally worth what it costs.


Many allow themselves to get into a mental rut with their
thoughts running almost entirely to one subject. This is a mild form of
insanity, for normal people have many interests. These people are the
cranks. They can talk volumes about their favorite topic, often of no
importance. It may be some peculiar religion or ethics; or that Bacon
wrote the plays of Shakespeare; or some health fad, or almost any

Of all the cranks the diet crank is one of the most annoying, for he has
three good opportunities to air his views each day. With the best
meaning in the world he does more harm to the cause of food reform than
do the advocates of living in the good old way, eating, drinking and
being merry and dying young. When people become possessed of too much
zeal and enthusiasm regarding a subject, they are sure that their
knowledge is the truth and they insist upon trying to enforce their way
upon others, resent having their old habits interfered with forcibly.
Those who are too persistent and insistent produce antagonism and
prejudice in the minds of others, and then it is almost impossible to
impart the truth to them, for they will neither see nor hear.

To be able to influence others for better is a grand and glorious thing,
but it is well to remember that we can not force knowledge which is
contrary to popular thought upon others suddenly. Those who change a
well rooted opinion generally do so gradually. When they first hear the
truth, they say it is ridiculous. After a while they think there may be
something in it. At last they see its superiority over their former
opinions and accept it. It requires infinite patience on the part of the
educators to impart unpopular knowledge to other adults, no matter how
much truth it contains.

The truth about physical well-being is so simple and so self-evident
that it is exceptionally hard to get an unprejudiced audience. From the
time when the ancient heathen priests were the healers until today the
impression has been that health and healing are beyond the understanding
of the common mind, and therefore people are willing to be mystified.
The mysterious has such a strong appeal in this world of uncertainties
that it is more attractive than the simple truth. Mystery simply demands
faith. The truth compels thinking and thoughts are often painful.

By all means, avoid being over insistent in trying to impart health
knowledge to others. All who have a little knowledge of the fundamentals
of health and growth know that useful men and women are going into
degeneration and premature death constantly, because of violated health
laws. If these people on the brink, who can yet be saved by natural
means, are told how it can be done, they generally either refuse to
believe it, or they have led such self-indulgent lives that it is beyond
their power to change. The knowledge often comes too late.

Those who are anxious to do good in the spreading of health knowledge
among their friends can serve best by getting health themselves. If a
physical wreck evolves into good health there will be considerable
comment and inquiry. This is the opportunity to tell what nature will do
and inform others where to obtain a good interpretation of nature's

A little practicing is worth more than a great deal of preaching. The
truth is the truth, no matter what the source, but it is more effective
if it comes from one who lives it.

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Classifications of Food for A Healthy Living

Food is anything which, when taken into the body under proper
conditions, is broken down and taken into the blood and utilized for
building, repairing or the production of heat or energy.

There are various forms of foods, which can be divided into two classes:
First, nitrogenous foods or proteins. Second, carbonaceous, foods, under
which caption come the sugars, starches and fats. Salts and water are
not usually classified as foods, though they should be, for life is
impossible without either.

The chief proteins are: First, the albuminoids, which are represented by
the albumin in eggs, the casein in milk and cheese, the myosin of muscle
and the gluten of wheat. Second, the gelatinoids, which are represented
by the ossein of bones, which can be made into glue, and the collogen of
tendons. Third, nitrogen extractives, which are the chief ingredients in
beef tea. They are easily removed from flesh by soaking it while raw in
cold water. They are rich in flavor and are stimulating. They have
absolutely no food value. Beef tea, and other related extracts, are not
foods. They are stimulants. In truth they are of no value, and those who
purchase such preparations pay a high price and get nothing in return.

The sugars and starches are grouped under the name of carbohydrates,
which means that they are a combination of water and carbon. There are
various forms of sugar. About 4 per cent of milk is milk sugar, which
agrees better with the young than any other kind of sugar. It is not so
soluble in water as the refined cane sugar, and therefore not so sweet,
but it is fully as nourishing. Honey is a mixture of various kinds of
sugars. Cane sugar is taken principally from sugar beets and sugar cane.
There is no chemical difference between the products of canes and beets.
Sugars can not be utilized by the blood until it has changed them into
other forms of sugar.

The use of sugar is rapidly increasing. Several centuries ago it was
used as a drug. It was doubtless as effective as a curing agent as our
drugs are today. Until within the last sixty or seventy years it has not
been used as a staple food. Now it is one of our chief foods. Not so
very long ago but ten pounds of sugar per capita were used annually, but
now we are consuming about ninety pounds each annually, that is, about
four ounces per day. Many people look upon sugar as a flavoring, which
it is in a measure, but it is also one of our most concentrated foods.

That this great consumption of sugar is harmful there is no doubt.
Physicians who practiced when the use of sugar was increasing very
rapidly called attention to the increasing decay of teeth. Sugar, as it
appears upon the table is an unsatisfied compound. It does not appear in
concentrated form in nature, but mixed with vegetable and mineral
matters, and when the pure sugar is put into solution it seeks these
matters. It is especially hungry for calcium and will therefore rob the
bones, the teeth and the blood of this important salt, if it can not be
had otherwise. The most noticeable effect is the decay of the teeth.

I have read considerable literature of late blaming sugar for producing
many diseases, among them tuberculosis and cancer. Improper feeding is
the chief cause of these diseases, but to blame sugar for all ills of
that kind is far from arriving at the truth. Cancer and tuberculosis
killed vast numbers of people before sugar was used as a staple. If we
wish to get at the root of any trouble, it is necessary for us to bury
our prejudices and be broad minded.

People who eat much sugar should also partake liberally of fresh raw
fruits and vegetables, in order to supply the salts in which sugar is
deficient. Lump sugar is practically pure, and therefore a poorer
article of diet than any other form of sugar, for man can not live on
carbon without salts.

Grape sugar and fruit sugar are the same chemically. Another name for
them is dextrose, and in the form of dextrose sugar is ready to be taken
up by the blood.

Children like sweets, but it is just as easy to give them the sweet
fruits, such as good figs, dates and raisins, as it is to give them
commercial sugar and candy, and it is much better for their health.
Children who get used to the sweet fruits do not care very much for
candies. The sugar in these fruits is not concentrated enough to be an
irritant and it contains the salts needed by the body. Hence it does not
rob the body of any of its necessary constituents. Because the fruit
sugar, taken in fruit form, is not so concentrated and irritating as the
common sugar, the child is satisfied with less.

Sugar is an irritant of the mucous membrane and therefore stimulates the
appetite. This is true only when it is taken in excess in its artificial
form, and it does not matter whether it is sugar, jelly or jam. For this
reason jellies and jams should be used sparingly, because it is not
necessary to stimulate the appetite. Those who resort to stimulation
overeat. When much sugar is taken, it not only irritates the stomach,
but it even inflames this organ.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Integrating Massage Into the Largo Lifestyle

Massage has been proven to be so beneficial to one's health that everyone deserves to have it integrated into his or her lifestyle, be it in Largo or any other location. It is a fact of life that everyone experiences day to day stress and tension. People will always be needing massage in Largo 33771 the same way they will be needing massage in Belleair, and massage at Indian Rocks Beach.
Various Massage Techniques in Largo
Although highly specialized modalities are being offered, such as sports massage in Largo, there is something for every person's specific needs. There is also deep tissue massage available in Largo, as well as Swedish massage, reflexology, trigger point therapy, cranial sacral therapy and even pregnancy massage.
Sports massage is popular in Largo because it has been proven to be an effective component of any sports training regimen, helping in both pre-event preparation and post-event recovery. Sports massage is preferred by Largo athletes and sports enthusiasts because it warms up and stretches the muscles, promoting flexibility and helping prevent sports-related injuries. It also improves their blood circulation, boosts endurance and helps them perform at their peak.
After each game or routine, sports massage helps Largo athletes overcome fatigue. Massage therapists knead the muscles to disperse accumulated lactic acid that cause soreness and fatigue, restoring muscle suppleness instead. Passice and active stretching of the muscles is also done prior to deep tissue work.
Sometimes, despite all precautions, athletes are still injured. Sports massage is again resorted to by Largo athletes and their doctors to help in the recovery process and promote healing. Sports massage, according to Largo sports doctors, helps bring blood and nutrients to the problem area and this aids in the repair of soft tissue. If the athlete was undergoing regular sports massage before the Largo game or event, that would have helped lessen the formation of scar tissue. Further sports massage after the injury would also break up any scar tissue that has formed in order to restore full flexibility for the Largo athlete.
Swedish massage is the most common type of massage usually asked for by the majority in Largo. This type of massage is well-known in Belleair, too, and is often the massage of choice at Indian Rocks Beach, as well. That is not surprising because Swedish massage can really be very relaxing with its long, flowing strokes along the length of the muscles combined with kneading techniques.
Sometimes, massage therapists in Largo use Swedish massage as a warm up for deep tissue massage in Largo massage spas.
Deep tissue massage is used by Largo massage therapists to address chronically tight and knotted muscles, usually in the back and legs. This time, massage strokes go against the grain of the muscles. Massage therapists in Largo also use fingers, elbows and forearms with their body weight to apply pressure and dig deep into the deep layers of muscle tissues.
Deep tissue massage in Largo has been proven to be beneficial in bringing down muscle inflammation and eliminating scar tissue, resulting in the release of chronic muscle tension, pain relief and relaxation. These effects are not immediate, though. For several days after the intensive massage session, the patient may feel some soreness. Even the massage session itself may cause some discomfort. That is something that patients who experience chronic pain are willing to undergo in exchange for long-term wellness.
Even for those without any particular body complaint, massage has been proven to provide long-term mind and body wellness. Stress from daily routines can trigger unhealthy attitudes and may even cause illness. Everyone owes it to themselves to head off these problems and de-stress with regular massage therapy.

About the Author
Massage Envy - LargoContact: Kim Potts10609 Ulmerton Rd Largo, FL 33771Work: 727-581-6500Fax: 727-451-0872Email:

Financial Stress and the Bedroom

We are all feeling the economic pinch. Unfortunately many couples are taking the economic crisis into the bedroom and that can lead to all sorts of problems.
There is nothing worse than stress to totally destroy a man's ability to perform sexually. Thinking about the increase in the price of gas and the drop in the price of your house is no way to get yourself in the mood. Moreover this kind of anxiety will affect your health, more specifically your blood pressure.
Guess what? When your blood pressure is not functioning well, your 'fun parts' are not functioning well either. Any relationship requires sexual contact and when you are in a constant state of nervous tension, you cannot perform as God intended.
The best way to beat this kind of financial worry is to practice relaxation techniques that will allow you to release the tension in your body. Of course you know what the best way to release bodily tension is right?! Unfortunately for you, you are to tense to do it. So let's begin by first relaxing so that we can do some proper relaxing later.
I personally recommend a nice walk. There is nothing more relaxing than to go out to a quiet place, if it's around nature then all the better, and to just take a quiet stroll without any goals in mind. Remember that there are times for focusing on the trials of the day and the best ways to overcome them and there are times to let those worries go so that you can recharge your body and your mind.
Another great way to relax is to take some time each day to rejuvenate yourself with some nice deep breaths. There is nothing more relaxing and beneficial to your body than to take 5 to 10 minutes each day to expand your lungs and ingest some nice oxygen. Breathe in deeply expanding your entire lungs and let the air go in a nice satisfying sigh. Before long you will be feeling great and perhaps you will find yourself in the mood for some loving.
I know; you are saying that you have no time, you're not feeling confident about your manhood, and your girlfriend is a sex fiend. Well, the price of flowers and jewellery has gone up. You can go broke now days from one night out to the movies and diner. But there are some things that have not gone up in price and with their help you can stay home, relax the right way, and spend hardly any money at all.

About the Author
For all your male product needs, such as; male enhancement, dating, etc. Please join us at

Sleep Apnea, symptoms and treatment

The standard determination factor of any sleep apnea includes the cessation of breathe which lasts for at least 10 seconds, during the nap. These episode occurs along with, either oxygen desaturation in blood (of about 3 percent to 4 percent or even greater) or with neurological stimulation. In many cases it is studied that, sleep apnea may also occur with both the factors; desaturation as well as stimulation. To diagnose the sleep apnea disorder a patient needs to undergo Polysomnogram. Polysomnogram, also referred to as PSG, is a sleep study which is done during the overnight sleep of the patient. The study has helped to determine, that the apnea can happen five or greater times in an hour. This disorder is categorized in three different types, namely "Central Sleep Apnea", "Obstructive Sleep Apnea" and "Mixed or Complex Sleep Apnea". The complex level of Sleep Apnea is actually the combination of central and obstructive sleep disorder. In the level of central sleep apnea supply, the flow of breathing is hindered by deficiency of respiratory efforts. The obstructive sleep apnea level is different form the latter, as it includes presence of some physical block that interrupts the breathing process. Complex sleep apnea disorder is the result of transition of central to obstructive sleep apnea supplies.
Symptoms: • A person suffering from Sleep apnea disorders may face problems such as getting up in the morning with painful or bad throat. Also his throat may be dry and excruciating. • Sleep apnea may also cause a patient to wake up with choking problem or out of breath sensation. • Most patients may also suffer from sleeplessness during day time. • Dew to the interrupted breathing a patient may also experience headache early in the morning. • One of the most severe issues of Sleep apnea disorder is forgetfulness. A person may also become too moody because of sleep malfunctioning sickness. • When affected by Sleep Apnea, a person may loose or have reduced interest in sexual intercourse. • It is also studied that cessations in respiratory system may exert increased stress on the heart. Hence a person affected with sleep apnea may also face high blood pressure problems. • When the sleep apnea disorder is at the obstructive level it may lead to heart related complications such as increased risk of congestive heart breakdown and fatal strokes. It also increases the risk of sudden death. Sleep Apnea Treatment: Treatment for Sleep Apnea Disorder includes various methods ranging from traditional treatments, such as losing weight, avoiding certain harmful intakes to surgical procedure. In meek and balmy level of sleep apnea conservative treatments can prove to be efficient. Let us be familiar with some primary measures which are used during mild stages of this sleep disorder.
• The primary treatment for Sleep Apnea is CPAP. CPAP or Continuous Positive Air Pressure is a technique which is wildly adopted by doctors to treat sleep apnea patients. This method opens the breathing passage by providing pressurized air into the throat of the patient during his sleep. • CPAP appliance only helps in inhaling however a BiPAP technique helps in both exhaling and inhaling of air during sleep. • Weight lose is one of the primary measures to reduce and overcome sleep apnea. • Avoiding alcohol and sleeping pills can drastically help in treating the sickness. • Promoting regular breathing by changing the position while sleeping in another technique which has proved of being efficient. • Studies have revealed that smoking can enhance the swelling in the upper part of the airway. This may lead to worse scenario of sleeping disorder and hence avoiding smoke is highly recommended. • A person may at times need to make use of dental appliances that may help in keeping the airway open. • If Sleep Apnea is quite critical, a surgical procedure may be required. There different distinct surgeries available to treat a sleep apnea patient. Somnoplasty, Nasal Operation, Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty also abbreviated as UPPP and Mandibular surgery are some of the primary surgical procedures used to treat a Sleep Apnea patient. Sleep Apnea can prove to be a fatal disorder, hence it is always recommended to consult your doctor as soon as possible.

About the Author
hi, this is lucas,living in pullman,interested in writting different type of articles,interested visiting new places,i am living with my loving parents,this is one of my favourite article.

Tips on Buying a Fitness Elliptical Trainer

Elliptical trainers are a very popular type of fitness exercise machine that are gaining in popularity for a number of reasons. They combine both low impact aerobic exercise, which is kind to joints, with variable resistance training which is good for toning up the muscles and increasing bone density. Popularity increased after elliptical machines were introduced with movable arms by Reebok in the late 1990's which allow you to workout both the lower body and the upper body, a distinct advantage over other types of fitness machines such as treadmills.
These machines do not take up too much space and are smaller than treadmills. They are also low maintenance which helps to keep costs down. They are called cross trainers because they combine both aerobic and resistance training. The resistance is adjustable for improved muscle tone in arms and legs.
Types of Fitness Elliptical Trainers
There are are two types of elliptical fitness trainers, front or rear driven. The movement of a rear drive machine makes the motion feel like stepping. For a front drive machine the motion is more like a treadmill. A wider range of muscles can be toned using both the forward and backward motions of these machines. Some of the more expensive elliptical machines have motorised inclines which can be useful for increasing the training level. Foot plates that pivot in a natural motion are a feature of some models.
Some Health Benefits of Using Elliptical Trainers
As elliptical trainers provide low impact exercise they do not put any extra strain on the joints, back or knees. This makes them more appropriate for people with back, knee or joint issues than other types of fitness machines. At higher intensity levels they can help to lower body fat. Even at low to moderate intensity levels the aerobic workout is good for the relief of stress, lowering blood pressure and and many other health benefits.
Features of Elliptical Machines
When you're buying an elliptical trainer find out the weight of the flywheel. A heavier fly wheel provides a less jerky, smoother motion. Cheap models with light flywheels can feel jerky and 'sticky'. A result of this is that you may put more pressure on to overcome this. This introduces strain to the knees so they can be less comfortable to use. A machine with more resistance levels is more adaptable and easier to change from vigorous aerobic exercises to high resistance, more weight bearing exercises.
All models of elliptical trainers, except perhaps the very cheapest, have work out programs built in. Motivation can be affected if you are bored by using the same program so consider buying one, for a bit more money, that has more programs. You can set some machines to adjust both the incline and the speed in order to keep your heart rate in a pre-arranged zone. A variety of other programs are often included such as weight loss and interval training.
If you are buying an elliptical fitness machine do not go for just the cheapest you can find as it may not be well constructed or give you a good workout. Find out what features you would like, such as a variety of programs and more resistance levels, and look for a machine within your budget that provides these. If possible try out a similar machine at a local gym so see if it feels comfortable to you and you like the motion as the feel of different makes of elliptical machines can vary considerably.
About the Author
For more information and some good deals on home exercise machines visit Fitness Exercise Machines or see Fitness Elliptical Trainers

Stress Free Meditation

I know that many of you will be thinking what will meditation do for me, why is it so important and of course 'I don't have time to sit around trying to clear my head, I'm busy'. Well let's be honest here, do you suffer from stress, now think about this a little more, because the answer is yes and if you're not sure about that read on and think a little more...and don't forget to check out my recommendation for easy stress relief.
Why Are We All Stressed?
With modern day living comes the hectic and ever demanding pace of live, it's no wonder that many of us feel stressed and overworked and how many of us take this home with us, how many others feel the impact of the stress we feel?
Our stress and tiredness of everyday life lead us to the feelings of unhappiness, frustration and a lack of patience when it comes to dealing with even the most simple every day routines. Not to mention the impact that all this has on our health, the tiredness that we feel, the ever nagging inner voice reminding us that we need to do this and that and the other. Or the demands of our boss, our clients, our family and friends all add up to making life one big stress ball.
'I'm stressed out', 'work is one big stress', 'I'm under too much stress', 'the kids are stressing me out', these are all phrases that we are all too familiar with and it is also an acceptable part of every day life.
How Do I Define My Stress?
Stress is hard to define as it means different things to different people; however, one thing that is perfectly clear to all of us is that stress is a negative emotion, negative energy as opposed to positive.
Stress can be both physical and mental. Physical stress could be the result of a lack of sleep, or a poor diet and even an effect of an illness. Mental stress can be worrying about money, or how you're going to survive retirement, or from experiencing a devastatingly emotional event such as the death of a family member, or being fired from work.
Our Natural Stress Response System
But did you know that much of our stress comes from less dramatic everyday routines. Obligations and pressures which are both physical and mental are not always that obvious to us and in response to these daily strains our body automatically invokes a stress response which floods your body with chemicals which increases your blood pressure, your heart rate, the blood flow to your muscles, your metabolism and your respiration. All of these responses are natural reactions so that our bodies are ready to react quickly and effectively under high pressure situations, termed fight or flight. Now whilst a stress response is useful in true emergency situations when you need to be on alert, it can considerably wear your body down when constantly active.
We are all continuously reacting to stressful situations, which is termed stress response, but without making adjustments in our lives to counter the effects. Stress can cause physical, emotional and behavioral disorders which affect our health, vitality and peace of mind; and of course it also affects our personal and professional relationships. Stress is also the key cause to many minor illnesses such as insomnia, headaches and backaches on top of the life threatening diseases such as high blood pressure and even heard disease.
It is also very true that every person handles stress differently, take for example a major life decision like changing careers, or moving house. I know some of you are cringing at the thought, but I also know that some of you would relish the thought. Whatever may be overwhelming to some people might actually be seen as a welcome change to others. An even simpler example is sitting in traffic, some people find this too much to tolerate tooting their horns and screaming out for more coffee, whilst others just take it in their stride maybe with the help of a little music, or a happy thought.
So what's the answer? Well, aside from the inexhaustible amount of drugs available to reduce stress, which include free side effects I may add, there's one very simple and natural way to reduce stress that takes 10 to 20 minutes of your day and has no side effects, meditation.
Our Natural Relaxation Response System
Earlier I mentioned that the secret to reducing your stress is by making adjustments in your life to counter the effects of stress, well this is done by evoking a relaxation response within you.
A relaxation response is a state of deep rest that is the opposite of the stress response. The relaxation response brings your body back into balance by deepening your breathing, reducing the stress chemicals in your body, slowing down your heart rate and relaxing your muscles. It also increases your energy, improves your focus, relieves headaches and other aches and pains, heightens your problem solving skills and boosts motivation and productivity and the best news is that with a little practice anyone can gain from these benefits.
As many of you out there are new to meditation and I am certain that there are also many of you who don't want to get into depth of how to meditate or what form of meditation to use and want a quick head start, I would recommend you begin with an affordable audio meditation. I use several and one that is particularly good for stress relief is Totally Tranquil by Holothink and you can pick up a free ten minute demonstration by clicking on, or copying and pasting this link into your browser:
also increases energy and focus, combats illness, relieves aches and pains, heightens problem-solving abilities, and boosts motivation and productivity. Best of all - with a little practice - anyone can reap these benefits.
deepening your breathing, reducing stress hormones, slowing down your heart rate and blood pressure, and relaxing your muscles.
a state of deep rest that is the polar opposite of the stress response. this is known as Just ten or twenty minutes a day of meditation will bring relief from chronic stress and also increase your tolerance to it.
Remember, each person handles stress differently. Some people actually seek out situations which may appear stressful to others. A major life decision, such as changing careers or buying a house, might be overwhelming for some people, while others may welcome the change. Some find sitting in traffic too much to tolerate, while others take it in stride. The key is determining your personal tolerance levels for stressful situations. Stress can cause physical, emotional and behavioral disorders which can affect your health, vitality, peace-of-mind, as well as personal and professional relationships. Too much stress can cause relatively minor illnesses like insomnia, backaches, or headaches, and can contribute to potentially life-threatening diseases like high blood pressure and heart disease.
Stress can also be mental: when you worry about money, a loved oneÕs illness, retirement, or experience an emotionally devastating event, such as the death of a spouse or being fired from work. However, much of our stress comes from less dramatic everyday responsibilities. Obligations and pressures which are both physical and mental are not always obvious to us. In response to these daily strains your body automatically increases blood pressure, heart rate, respiration, metabolism, and blood flow to you muscles. This response, is intended to help your body react quickly and effectively to a high-pressure situation.
With the hectic pace and demands of modern life, many people feel stressed and over-worked. It often feels like there is just not enough time in the day to get everything done. Our stress and tiredness make us unhappy, impatient and frustrated. It can even affect our health. We are often so busy we feel there is no time to stop and meditate! But meditation actually gives you more time by making your mind calmer and more focused. A simple ten or fifteen minute breathing meditation as explained below can help you to overcome your stress and find some inner peace and balance.
Meditation can also help us to understand our own mind. We can learn how to transform our mind from negative to positive, from disturbed to peaceful, from unhappy to happy. Overcoming negative minds and cultivating constructive thoughts is the purpose of the transforming meditations found in the Buddhist tradition. This is a profound spiritual practice you can enjoy throughout the day, not just while seated in meditation.
Hi there, is a new social network site for meditation. It is based on morphogenetic field theory, which encompasses theory of a collective consciousness. The aim of my website is to bring people together whether you are new to meditation, or a meditation guru and arrange group meditation across the globe.
Yes, that's right, I want to have people collectively meditating on any chosen topic at the same time anywhere in the world and thus improving your success with meditation and also manifestation. I want to prove to the world through your success that the collective consciousness exists and so I want you to share your success with everyone.
We are also going to arrange times for everyone on the site to get together at a predetermined time and meditate on peace, love and happiness and raise awareness of the collective consciousness.
At you will be able to add a whole host of content including video, pictures, music, your own blog, submit articles, post classified advertisements, post upcoming events and of course make friends, chat, learn and meditate. is your very own meditation social network so come along and have some fun at
Come and join us in our quest to make this world and your world a better place to live in through collective meditation.
About the Author
Creator of

Free Your Mind of Stress

I know that many of you will be thinking what will meditation do for me, why is it so important and of course 'I don't have time to sit around trying to clear my head, I'm busy'. Well let's be honest here, do you suffer from stress, now think about this a little more, because the answer is yes and if you're not sure about that read on and think a little more...and don't forget to check out my recommendation for easy stress relief.
Why Are We All Stressed?
With modern day living comes the hectic and ever demanding pace of live, it's no wonder that many of us feel stressed and overworked and how many of us take this home with us, how many others feel the impact of the stress we feel?
Our stress and tiredness of everyday life lead us to the feelings of unhappiness, frustration and a lack of patience when it comes to dealing with even the most simple every day routines. Not to mention the impact that all this has on our health, the tiredness that we feel, the ever nagging inner voice reminding us that we need to do this and that and the other. Or the demands of our boss, our clients, our family and friends all add up to making life one big stress ball.
'I'm stressed out', 'work is one big stress', 'I'm under too much stress', 'the kids are stressing me out', these are all phrases that we are all too familiar with and it is also an acceptable part of every day life.
How Do I Define My Stress?
Stress is hard to define as it means different things to different people; however, one thing that is perfectly clear to all of us is that stress is a negative emotion, negative energy as opposed to positive.
Stress can be both physical and mental. Physical stress could be the result of a lack of sleep, or a poor diet and even an effect of an illness. Mental stress can be worrying about money, or how you're going to survive retirement, or from experiencing a devastatingly emotional event such as the death of a family member, or being fired from work.
Our Natural Stress Response System
But did you know that much of our stress comes from less dramatic everyday routines. Obligations and pressures which are both physical and mental are not always that obvious to us and in response to these daily strains our body automatically invokes a stress response which floods your body with chemicals which increases your blood pressure, your heart rate, the blood flow to your muscles, your metabolism and your respiration. All of these responses are natural reactions so that our bodies are ready to react quickly and effectively under high pressure situations, termed fight or flight. Now whilst a stress response is useful in true emergency situations when you need to be on alert, it can considerably wear your body down when constantly active.
We are all continuously reacting to stressful situations, which is termed stress response, but without making adjustments in our lives to counter the effects. Stress can cause physical, emotional and behavioral disorders which affect our health, vitality and peace of mind; and of course it also affects our personal and professional relationships. Stress is also the key cause to many minor illnesses such as insomnia, headaches and backaches on top of the life threatening diseases such as high blood pressure and even heard disease.
It is also very true that every person handles stress differently, take for example a major life decision like changing careers, or moving house. I know some of you are cringing at the thought, but I also know that some of you would relish the thought. Whatever may be overwhelming to some people might actually be seen as a welcome change to others. An even simpler example is sitting in traffic, some people find this too much to tolerate tooting their horns and screaming out for more coffee, whilst others just take it in their stride maybe with the help of a little music, or a happy thought.
So what's the answer? Well, aside from the inexhaustible amount of drugs available to reduce stress, which include free side effects I may add, there's one very simple and natural way to reduce stress that takes 10 to 20 minutes of your day and has no side effects, meditation.
Our Natural Relaxation Response System
Earlier I mentioned that the secret to reducing your stress is by making adjustments in your life to counter the effects of stress, well this is done by evoking a relaxation response within you.
A relaxation response is a state of deep rest that is the opposite of the stress response. The relaxation response brings your body back into balance by deepening your breathing, reducing the stress chemicals in your body, slowing down your heart rate and relaxing your muscles. It also increases your energy, improves your focus, relieves headaches and other aches and pains, heightens your problem solving skills and boosts motivation and productivity and the best news is that with a little practice anyone can gain from these benefits.
As many of you out there are new to meditation and I am certain that there are also many of you who don't want to get into depth of how to meditate or what form of meditation to use and want a quick head start, I would recommend you begin with an affordable audio meditation. I use several and one that is particularly good for stress relief is Totally Tranquil by Holothink and you can pick up a free ten minute demonstration by clicking on, or copying and pasting this link into your browser:
also increases energy and focus, combats illness, relieves aches and pains, heightens problem-solving abilities, and boosts motivation and productivity. Best of all - with a little practice - anyone can reap these benefits.
deepening your breathing, reducing stress hormones, slowing down your heart rate and blood pressure, and relaxing your muscles.
a state of deep rest that is the polar opposite of the stress response. this is known as Just ten or twenty minutes a day of meditation will bring relief from chronic stress and also increase your tolerance to it.
Remember, each person handles stress differently. Some people actually seek out situations which may appear stressful to others. A major life decision, such as changing careers or buying a house, might be overwhelming for some people, while others may welcome the change. Some find sitting in traffic too much to tolerate, while others take it in stride. The key is determining your personal tolerance levels for stressful situations. Stress can cause physical, emotional and behavioral disorders which can affect your health, vitality, peace-of-mind, as well as personal and professional relationships. Too much stress can cause relatively minor illnesses like insomnia, backaches, or headaches, and can contribute to potentially life-threatening diseases like high blood pressure and heart disease.
Stress can also be mental: when you worry about money, a loved oneÕs illness, retirement, or experience an emotionally devastating event, such as the death of a spouse or being fired from work. However, much of our stress comes from less dramatic everyday responsibilities. Obligations and pressures which are both physical and mental are not always obvious to us. In response to these daily strains your body automatically increases blood pressure, heart rate, respiration, metabolism, and blood flow to you muscles. This response, is intended to help your body react quickly and effectively to a high-pressure situation.
With the hectic pace and demands of modern life, many people feel stressed and over-worked. It often feels like there is just not enough time in the day to get everything done. Our stress and tiredness make us unhappy, impatient and frustrated. It can even affect our health. We are often so busy we feel there is no time to stop and meditate! But meditation actually gives you more time by making your mind calmer and more focused. A simple ten or fifteen minute breathing meditation as explained below can help you to overcome your stress and find some inner peace and balance.
Meditation can also help us to understand our own mind. We can learn how to transform our mind from negative to positive, from disturbed to peaceful, from unhappy to happy. Overcoming negative minds and cultivating constructive thoughts is the purpose of the transforming meditations found in the Buddhist tradition. This is a profound spiritual practice you can enjoy throughout the day, not just while seated in meditation.
Hi there, is a new social network site for meditation. It is based on morphogenetic field theory, which encompasses theory of a collective consciousness. The aim of my website is to bring people together whether you are new to meditation, or a meditation guru and arrange group meditation across the globe.
Yes, that's right, I want to have people collectively meditating on any chosen topic at the same time anywhere in the world and thus improving your success with meditation and also manifestation. I want to prove to the world through your success that the collective consciousness exists and so I want you to share your success with everyone.
We are also going to arrange times for everyone on the site to get together at a predetermined time and meditate on peace, love and happiness and raise awareness of the collective consciousness.
At you will be able to add a whole host of content including video, pictures, music, your own blog, submit articles, post classified advertisements, post upcoming events and of course make friends, chat, learn and meditate. is your very own meditation social network so come along and have some fun at
Come and join us in our quest to make this world and your world a better place to live in through collective meditation.
About the Author

Creator of